13th Amendment, the ‘Manta-ray’?

June, 17, 2024

By Prof. Samitha Hettige

The European Union elected new members to the EU parliament last week. The French dissolved their parliament & the British are expected to follow. British could see Sri Lanka from within & above. Probably they introduced democratic governance in SL with the hope of preventing future conflicts. However, Sri Lankans kept changing it giving more space to conflicts.  In 1978 Sri Lanka got a French flavor with the Gaullist constitution but failed to prevent conflicts. Ultimately India sent fishing boats & cargo planes with defense escorts to introduce the 13th amendment. However, it isn’t clear if 13th is a ground reality & if Sri Lankans understand the real need. That may be why they conflicted more since then spending approx 200 billion USD (Ref. Menon). Though the violent conflict ended, 13th remains ‘the mantra’ especially during elections. A mantra is a word or phrase or sound that is believed to have a special spiritual power (Ref. Cambridge).

China’s ‘Manta ray’

With the objective of monitoring coral reefs, scientists at School of Navigation of Northwestern Poly technical University in Xi'an, Shaanxi have developed soft body submersible to resemble & move like a ‘Manta ray’. It is expected to help monitor outbreaks of species (e.g. crown of thorns starfish) which pose a threat to coral reefs. Manta ray submersibles will be utilized for marine education, reef monitoring & collect data etc. It might be a tool for SL to keep its reefs attractive to attract more tourists. Some scientists are curious if bionic submersible ‘Manta ray’ is in danger of being eaten by Sharks. However, the inventors believe that Sharks will not touch it but are worried if younger whales that are more playful may use their tails to damage it (Ref. Chinese tech stats).

Swimming in Indian elections

For an economy to thrive, political stability & strong defense forces are essential. PM Nehru (AKA last British viceroy of India) was the first to get elected for a 3rd term. During his rule India established control with the annexing of Goa & Pondicherry etc.  PM Vajpayee got 3 terms & continued India’s economic liberalization. PM Modi is the 3rd to get a 3rd term (Ref. Indian history). Though he didn’t get the expected steam roller, his win indicates that majority Indians are chanting the ‘economy first’ mantra unlike Sri Lankans. Though Sri Lankans chant mantras to chase devils & tame elephants to impress tourists, so far they haven’t chanted to impress investors. Increased use of English language for trade & public administration would be an effective mantra to prevent conflicts. It can be a life vest to prevent SL sinking in the Indian Ocean. PM Modi whom some consider a Shark & rising Rahul whom one may see as a young Whale may not be harsh on the small submersible if Sri Lankans chant the ‘win-win’ trading mantra with all including the Chinese. If so, even if SL sinks, Chinese ships on the Belt & Road may salvage.

"Think globalact local" is the mantra for the 21st century – Anonymous.

(Photo: Submersible Manta Ray/ views expressed are personal).

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