
Business confidence trends down following four successive months of moderate progress

Business Sentiment: Index Dips as Challenges Persist Having endured a challenging period, Sri Lanka formalised an agreement with its bilateral creditors led by Japan and India to the tune of US$ 5.8 billion recently. Sri Lanka also closed a US$ 12.5 billion International Sovereign Bond (ISB) restructuring arrangement with the parties reportedly agreeing on the…

(0)Comments | July 26, 2024 4:11 pm

Balancing Wages and Well-being: A Sustainable Future for Sri Lanka’s Plantation Sector

By Dr. Dan Seevaratnam Sri Lanka continues to grapple with severe economic challenges that affect all its citizens, including those in the plantation sector. At a time when nearly one in four Sri Lankans has fallen below the poverty line as a result of the Sri Lankan economy’s historic downturn over the past 4 years,…

(0)Comments | July 26, 2024 11:27 am

A ‘Tattoo’ on the global skin – By Prof. Samitha Hettige

The skin they say is the largest organ of the human body. Despite conflict provocative news on tattoo studios, predominantly ‘Tan’ Sri Lankans may continue to make their skins fairer & mark it with tattoos. Tattooing goes back centuries even to the Iceman of the Italian-Austrian border who lived approx 5200 years ago. Globally, across…

(0)Comments | July 22, 2024 3:50 pm

Stronger Parents, Strategic Roles Drive Sri Lankan Finance Subsidiary Ratings

Fitch Ratings: The majority of ratings on Sri Lankan finance subsidiaries are underpinned by the expectation parental support, says Fitch Ratings in a report. This often results in higher subsidiary ratings than that implied by their standalone performance. Fitch’s non-bank financial institution (NBFI) shareholder support framework considers the parent’s ability and propensity to support its…

(0)Comments | July 22, 2024 11:42 am

CrowdStrike: One Update, Global Chaos, The Cybersecurity Wake-Up Call We Can’t Ignore

When a Software Update Grounded the World: Lessons from the CrowdStrike Crisis and the Urgent Need for Cybersecurity Overhaul By Jithendra Antonio In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the recent debacle involving CrowdStrike serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of our digital infrastructure. A seemingly innocuous software update spiraled into a global crisis,…

(0)Comments | July 19, 2024 5:56 pm

Luxury Apartments in Colombo’s CBD See 48% Price Increase from 2018 to 2023

In 2023, overseas interest in Sri Lankan properties surged by 33% compared to the previous year, as reported in the Real Estate Market Outlook Report 2024 (REMOR24) by LankaPropertyWeb, the leading real estate portal in Sri Lanka. According to the report, the demand for residential apartments in Sri Lanka is set to dominate the market…

(0)Comments | July 19, 2024 10:36 am

Sri Lanka’s Path to Prosperity

Harnessing Foreign Investment Amid Climate and Political Challenges – By Jithendra Antonio Sri Lanka, an island nation rich in history and culture, is grappling with severe economic vulnerabilities. With limited land and finite natural resources, the country faces significant challenges in commercializing these assets. Climate change further exacerbates these issues, casting a shadow over key…

(0)Comments | July 17, 2024 10:45 am

UN stood with China while NATO did not – By Prof. Samitha Hettige

In July 1921 the Communist Party of China (CPC) took the 1st centenary goal to eradicate poverty in China by 2021. It reached the goal in 2020 & on the eve of its 103rd anniversary members celebrated with a symphony concert at the CPC Museum in Beijing. CPC statistics indicate that the Museum opened in…

(0)Comments | July 15, 2024 4:34 pm

Approval of the government triples to 24% in July

Positivity Back to June 2023 Levels – Mood of the Nation Survey by Verité Research. Over three times as many people approve of the government and feel better about the economy and the country’s economic trajectory compared to four months ago, according to the latest round of the Gallup style ‘Mood of the Nation’ poll…

(0)Comments | July 15, 2024 4:08 pm

Lessons from Italy’s Growing Love Affair with Sri Lankan Apparel

By Felix A. Fernando – Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Omega Line Ltd and Deputy Chairman Joint Apparel Association Forum (JAAF) In the face of global economic challenges, the apparel industry has struggled to maintain its footing. Yet, within this turbulent landscape, Italy has proven to be a significant export destination in the…

(0)Comments | July 11, 2024 4:11 pm