Facial Rejuvenation and Body Contouring at Durdans Hospital Enhance Cosmetic Centre

November, 30, 2017

As the festive season comes around, the reason to look your dazzling and confident self is at the top of the wish list. Durdans enhance Cosmetic Centre offers a comprehensive and premium line of aesthetic solutions including facial and body contouring, and facial rejuvenation therapy.

Body contouring offers the opportunity to enhance the visible body silhouette through procedures such as liposuction, body lifts, implants and liposculpture. Liposuction targets contours in the body that contain fat deposits that do not respond well to diet and exercise.  Body lifts improve shape and tone of dimpled, sagging and out-of-shape areas while liposculpture leaves fat in certain areas to enhance and achieve athletic contours.

Dr. Yasas Abeywickrama, Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Durdans Hospital says, “Our services range from tummy tucks, breast procedures, arm lifts, upper and lower body lift, thigh lift and mons lift. Breast procedures include breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction and reconstruction, nipple surgery and male breast reduction (gynaecomastia) surgery while facial contouring incorporates face lifts, rhinoplasty, ear surgery and facial reconstruction.”

Anti-ageing skin therapy, skin lightening therapy and skin perfecting therapy are cosmetic solutions available for facial rejuvenation. Dr. Shanika Arsecularatne, Medical Cosmetologist at Durdans enhance Cosmetic Centre says, “For a youthful appearance, clients can opt for Botox®, fillers and PRP treatment that reduce fine lines and wrinkles while a flawless complexion can be achieved  by  the reduction of pores, pigmentation, melasma, uneven skin, facial hair and dark circles through laser resurfacing, peels, skin polishing and  mesotherapy.”

The Durdans enhance Cosmetic Centre, located on the 1st floor of the Durdans Hospital, is a state of the art facility with stylish interior and warm staff. Expert plastic surgeons and cosmetologists use medical grade cosmoceuticals and follow clinical guidelines to ensure utmost safety to the patient. With more than 3000 procedures up to date, specialists maintain long term contact with clients to ensure that their comfort and satisfaction is maximised.

For facial rejuvenation and body contouring appointments call enhance Cosmetic Centre on 011 2 140 163 or Durdans 1344 helpline.

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