Hambantota International Port facilitates visit by NAPD of the Government of Bangladesh

March, 2, 2020

Officials of the National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD) of the Government of Bangladesh recently visited the Hambantota International Port (HIP). The visit was facilitated by HIP at the request of the Department of National Planning of the Ministry of Finance. Tissa Wickremasinghe, COO of HIPG briefed the team on management, business development and further expansion of the Hambantota Port.

Seen in the picture is the delegation from Bangladesh comprising of Mr. Md.Shafiul Mazubin Rahamn, Associate Director, Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division, Ministry of Planning, Dhaka, Mr.Md. Abul Hossain, Training Officer, National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD), Mr.Ajit Kumara Roy, Administrative Officer, Prime Minister’s Office, Tejgaon, Dhaka, Mr. Muhammad Sydur Rahaman, Personal Officer, Planning Division Ministry of Planning Dhaka, Ms. Zakia Begum, Dormitory Superintendent, National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD), Mr. Md.Rajeur Rahman, Caretaker, National Academy for Planning and Development(NAPD), Mr.Md. Zinnrul Islam, Documentation Officer, National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD). Also in the picture are HIP officials.