Geared to serve you at all times: The Fairfirst way

April, 4, 2020

Since the lockdown, we have processed 1964 Motor Claims intimations, 281 Hospital Admissions, 290 Discharges from Hospitals, settled 1400 Motor Claims, 3316 medical claims and more than 80 non-motor non-medical claims. We have also processed nearly 5000 policies, renewals and endorsements. 80% of our 1200 employees and agents are connected and ready to serve you from their homes. Our aim is to provide certainty in these uncertain times.


From the first day of lockdown we immediately geared ourselves by moving in to decentralized and cloud-based systems so that all our employees could deliver the same level of service from the safety of their homes.  We have made steady progress and are 100% ready:

  • Our Call Centre continues to service our customers within 3 rings 24 x 7 on 0112 428 428.
  • Our claims experts are on call to manage claims efficiently and with empathy.  More than a quarter of the motor claims intimated daily were settled within the day via our virtual claims management capabilities. Many of these claims were settled within 1 hour of intimation. We settled more than 1400 motor claims amounting to over 38.9 Million Rupees. At the same, we helped pay more than 3316 Medical Claims and OPD Claims amounting to 53.5 Million Rupees. In addition, more than 80 non-motor non-medical claims were intimated.
  • Our Sales and Distribution teams continue to close out new and renewal business as well as produce and find new ways of reaching out to customers.
  • Our underwriters process more than 800 new business quotations, 4000 renewals and endorsements
  • We are the only E- commerce ready Insurer in Sri Lanka. Customers can now receive their policy details, their motor cards, their debit notes all in a digital format. During the period of lockdown, our digital platform has provided instant online coverage close to 100 motor vehicles. The need for physical travel and paper transfers is now near minimal. Our e-commerce platform, at can cater to your renewals, new policy purchase, premium payment and the inquiry on the status of your claims via our trilingual chatbot, Machan. You can also contact us via WhatsApp by messaging us on 0770-428428.
  • We are constantly engaged with the community through social media platforms to spread positive messaging across a user base of over 1 million individuals.


  • Our Human Resources team created a Wellbeing Hotline for any Fairfirst employee to reach out to seek help in these current times on any matter ranging from health advice to food to cash to transport, etc.
  • Our IT and Facility team installed work-from-home resources and now more than 80% of Fairfirst is connected and able to work remotely. This is a mix of different solutions including laptops, desktops transferred from office, some using their hotspots, some using dongles, some using routers and some using their home connectivity.
  • Our Facility team always ensure that the hygiene across our offices is intensified appropriate to the recommended level.
  • Our training agenda is now carried out virtually.
  • Other support functions, Finance, Risk, Compliance, Audit, Legal and Strategy all continue to rally and work together to ensure the wellbeing of our employees, customers, partners and all stakeholders. 

We are confident that together, and with empathy for each other, we will overcome this shared threat.

We are future ready and look forward to serving your insurance needs. 

Be safe, stay at home.

Your team at Fairfirst Insurance

Picture caption: The Fairfirst Team geared to serve you at all times