March, 14, 2014
The Urban Development Authority (UDA) is preparing to construct an ultra-modern city on a 25 acre extent of land centered on the main access way to the Southern Expressway at Makumbura in Kottawa.
While speaking to AdaderanaBiz, UDA Deputy Director – Planning Priyani Navaratne said that the planning stages of this new city are now nearing completion.
“The UDA has already acquired an extent of some 25 acres at Makumbura in close proximity to the access to the Southern Expressway for the construction of this new city with ultra-modern facilities. This land is a marsh located near the Pizza Hut restaurant.”
“The UDA has planned to reclaim a section of this marsh without causing any hindrances to the drainage system,” she added.
While a supermarket complex, a housing complex and a terminal for the buses plying the Expressway would be constructed, several state institutions too are to be shifted to this new city.
While adding further, Priyani Navaratne said while this location would be developed into a transport hub the extension of the railway track to this location is also included in this plan.
“We will create the facilities to those who arrive along the Expressway to park their vehicles here and to continue their journey by bus,” said Ms. Navaratne.
Ms. Navaratne told AdaderanaBiz that this project would kick off very soon and is planned to be completed within around four years.
The Japan International Cooperation Agency has agreed to provide a part of the funding for this project.
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