Opportunities are Vast for Sri Lankan Exporters in Brazil and South America : Sri Lankan Envoy

November, 9, 2021

The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Brazil in collaboration with the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and Sáo Paulo Chamber of Commerce in Brazil organized a webinar ; ‘Doing Business with Brazil’ on 4 November 2021 with a view to educate Sri Lankan exporters on trade potential and opportunities in the Brazilian market.

The initiative was a successful outcome of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) concluded on 14 September 2021 between the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and the Sáo Paulo Chamber of Commerce under the guise of the Sri Lanka Embassy in Brazil.  In the welcoming address, the Chief Executive Officer of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, Manjula de Silva highlighted the importance of increasing trade volumes between the two countries and also to attract more tourists and Foreign Direct Investments into Sri Lanka from Brazil.

Delivering keynote address, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Brazil Sumith Dassanayake underlined the importance of Sri Lankan exporters entering into business engagements with their Brazilian and South American counterparts as opportunities for Sri Lanka in the region are enormous.  The Ambassador further highlighted that while export volumes of some of the South Asian and Far East Asian countries are over US$ 100 million to Brazil, Sri Lanka’s exports to Brazil recorded at US$ 42 million in 2020.  Even though Sri Lankan companies possess required knowledge, skills and expertise to increase exports to South American region, it is a surprise for Sri Lankans not seizing the extensive opportunities, Ambassador added.

Ambassador Sumith Dassanayake also urged Sri Lankan entrepreneurs to explore the opportunities to initiate joint ventures, business collaborations and partnerships with Brazilian and South American companies for which Embassy will extend all the facilitations.

Special Adviser for Foreign Affairs of the Sáo Paulo Chamber of Commerce Maurício Manfré in his presentation covered key areas of the Brazilian market including, available market opportunities in Brazil for Sri Lanka, market barriers and other obstructions; challenges, required standards, certifications, information on the relevant authorities, strategies for successful business engagement, business culture, suggestions and recommendations on the best suitable ways for the market penetration. Special Advisor Manfre is having over 30 years of experience in international Business & Law and currently functioning as a representative official abroad in the Brazilian Export Promotion Agency (APEX) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil.

75 Sri Lankan companies were joined the webinar from Sri Lanka and at the Q & A session, specific queries raised by participants were responded.