Featured News

Union Assurance ranked #1 insurance company in LMD Most Awarded

Union Assurance ranked #1 among insurance companies in the Life and Non-life categories in LMD’s Most Awarded. The inaugural edition ranks the nation’s most respected corporations for their outstanding achievements both at home and abroad, bringing immense pride to the business community. The edition pays homage to the ‘Most Awarded’ companies in Sri Lanka by…

(0)Comments | January 19, 2021 12:17 pm

ICRA Lanka revises the rating of Construction Guarantee Fund to [SL]A (Stable)

ICRA Lanka Limited has revised the Issuer rating assigned to Construction Guarantee Fund (“CGF”/ “the Fund”) to [SL] A(pronounced S L A) with stable outlook from [SL] A- (pronounced S L A minus) with stable outlook. Rationale The rating revision primarily factors in the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL)’s recognition of the Fund as a…

(0)Comments | January 19, 2021 10:41 am

Royal Institute Commemorates 50th Anniversary

Excellence Through Empathy And Experience ‘The light of learning’, the dream of a visionary educationist became a reality with the establishment of the Royal Institute at Havelock Town, fifty years ago, in 1971. In 1993, a branch school was established in Nugegoda; its network expanded to Maharagama, Maya Avenue and Gampaha offering well-coordinated world-class education….

(0)Comments | January 19, 2021 8:00 am

Build your future in Marketing with SLIM

Living amidst the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic has not only instilled a new norm to our daily lives, but has altered societies and countries economically, resulting in drastic changes to business demands and sales patterns. Being mindful and having the necessary knowledge of these continuous alterations in marketing has now become a necessity not only for…

(0)Comments | January 18, 2021 6:03 pm

Stripes & Checks opens flagship store on Havelock Road

Stripes & Checks, acclaimed as Sri Lanka’s most prestigious start up with a desire to provide an expression of each person’s unique sense of style, recently opened its flagship store at No 202, Havelock Road, Colombo 05. The expansive 1500 sq ft showroom is designed to welcome its enthusiastic customers all year-round with an array of…

(0)Comments | January 18, 2021 5:46 pm

Vygo to galvanise Sri Lanka’s tech start-up ecosystem with expansion to the island

Australia based tech startup – Vygo (vygoapp.com), announced the expansion of their offices to Sri Lanka in January 2021. In a bid to build out a globally distributed engineering team, the company hopes to tap into Sri Lanka’s vibrant and growing pool of local software engineering talent while contributing to Sri Lanka’s tech start-up ecosystem….

(0)Comments | January 18, 2021 2:54 pm

Pioneering Allianz Lanka – MegaPay Partnership Set to Boost Access to Third Party Motor Insurance

Allianz Insurance Lanka Limited (Allianz Lanka), one of Sri Lanka’s leading insurance providers, announced that it had entered into a pioneering partnership with Megapay., a leading provider of innovative payment processing and tech solutions for payment collection, to boost accessibility to its Third-Party Motor Insurance covers. Allianz customers will now have 24 x 7 x…

(0)Comments | January 18, 2021 2:20 pm

SAKS assigned with CX Management of Sri Lanka’s leading ride-sharing platform

In a move to further enhance customer engagement, Sri Lanka’s leading on-demand mobility solutions provider has entrusted global business services titan, SAKS Global, with its Customer Experience Management (CEM). SAKS commenced contact centre operations utilising its advanced Customer Experience (CX) platform to equip the company with real-time data to help accurately align its business strategies…

(0)Comments | January 18, 2021 2:20 pm

HNB launches A Banker for every Sri Lankan

In a bid to celebrate the achievements of unique and exceptional local entrepreneurs, HNB PLC announced the launch of ‘A Banker for every Sri Lankan’. Launched across all of HNB’s social media handles, the campaign will showcase the achievements and journey of exceptional entrepreneurs across its substantial SME client base. “As a sector that produces…

(0)Comments | January 18, 2021 2:20 pm

SLT-MOBITEL Powers Sri Lanka’s latest ‘Park & Ride’ City Bus Service with Connectivity Solutions

SLT-MOBITEL announced their partnership with the Sri Lanka Transport Board to provide Wi-Fi connectivity and branding for the new ‘Park and Ride’ city bus service, a novel concept developed by the State Ministry of Transport. The inaugural launch of the first of its kind luxury bus service was held on January 15th 2021 under the…

(0)Comments | January 18, 2021 2:10 pm