Caves beyond Bangladesh?

August, 12, 2024

By Prof. Samitha Hettige

Amidst Paris Olympics topic USA requested World Anti Doping Organization for ‘representative status which corresponds to its economic contribution’ by threatening to stop financial aid while hyping up the doping issue. Some view it as ‘American hegemony & coercion’ in sports. They also are of the view that doping is increasingly politicized & instrumented by USA though touted ‘beacon of democracy’ & ‘model’ of governance. These views have been published in English, Spanish, French, Arabic & Russian platforms (Ref. Media).

In another poll conducted by Renmin University (New Era Institute of International Communication) 2009 respondents from 10 Asian countries (including Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, UAE, Philippines, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan & Japan);

69.1% accused USA of using double standards in international rules.

64.4% believed that the abuse of sanctions by USA against other countries is an act of economic coercion & hegemony.

67.4% criticized USA for imposing its own standards & will on others, disregarding universally accepted rules of the international community.

67.9% believed that USA is using its Dollar Hegemony to shift domestic economic issues to the international community.

84.4% viewed Gun violence is a persistent problem in USA.

75.8% believed that the wealth gap in USA is widening.

69.9% believed that USA is plagued by drug issues.

71.7% believed that USA often interferes in the internal affairs of other countries & suppresses other countries under the banner of democracy.

75.4% believed that USA is the most belligerent country in the history of the world.

70.2% are worried about the USA instigating color revolutions & proxy wars abroad.

73.6% believed that USA wantonly launched wars leading to serious humanitarian crises.

73% saw USA military assistance & arms sales to other countries as a serious threat to global peace & stability.

82.5% believed that the struggle between Democratic & Republican parties is worsening societal divisions.

The USA will elect a new President in 2024 & Trump’s ear might be indicating the above divisions. The world might see more within USA & elsewhere as they focus more on the Indo Pacific region. South Asia was part of the ancient Maritime Silk Road & is active in the Belt & Road Initiative of China (BRI). That may increase the presence of conflict provocative elements in the region.

Bangladesh had elections before India & was economically stabilizing when it proved above fact few days back. One may compare the population vs. numbers on streets to visualize a ‘Plato’s Cave’. Plato’s cave story explains how the masses can be misinformed. ‘Harong Hurong’ is a famous cave in Bangladesh. It literary means an ‘alternative route tunnel’. Bangladesh being an active partner of BRI should hopefully realize & recover via alternative routes soon. Its location is vital to maintain stability in South Asia. India where ‘Meghalaya’ caves are located (one of the longest caves of the world – approx 30 KM) remains stable after the elections due to its economic & military strengths. It indicates that Indians have come out of Plato’s cave & are focused on stable economic development.

Sri Lankan’s in caves?

Sri Lanka is preparing for the Presidential election. It is expected to stabilize the country & possibly more stable after a general election. To be elected & the voters may focus more on human resource development, water management & tourism development to prevent conflicts. Media reports on; malnutrition, gun violence, drug trafficking & wealth gaps are increasing. Masses may be misinformed & media can play a crucial role to evacuate the electorate from the Plato’s cave. If the country is stable, economic development isn’t a challenge being with the BRI. Sri Lankans may export skilled humans & attract FDIs & tourists showcasing the ‘Fa-Xien’ & ‘Mihindu’ caves etc. (Photo: Anandaloy, Bangladesh)

(Views expressed are personal).