March, 31, 2020
By: Dr. Nirmal De Silva
The Covid-19 pandemic is affecting individuals & organizations across the globe. Over the last few days, the author of this article has been speaking to a number of Company Owners & CEO's across Sri Lanka & Asia. It is evident from these conversations that the fear & uncertainty of the future is something that is in the mind of every business leader. Whilst some Companies are better prepared to deal with the situation others are no doubt visibly struggling. At the moment most of the countries including Sri Lanka is in a lockdown scenario in order to contain the spread of the virus. Within the last few days, workers from across the globe are being asked to “self-quarantine” & practice “social distancing.” This has resulted in working from home (remotely) being the only option available for work. It can be argued that the 'work from home scenario has created a number of operational pressures & challenges to decision makers & technology departments within Companies.
In Sri Lanka if you are not a Technology Industry based Company, there is a good chance that you may have not even thought about working from home or business continuity practices until this pandemic. It is also evident that Small to Medium Enterprises (SME's) would be the least prepared for this scenario from an overall perspective. Even larger Companies who assume that they have the tools & processors in place to allow employees to work from home without any disruption seems to be having various issues when rolling it out in practice. The lack of adequate training, testing & collaboration seem to be some of the main reasons for this.
The purpose of this article is to outline some of the best practices & tips when it comes to implementing a work from home strategy for a Company & what are some the free tools that Sri Lankan Companies can use to ensure a productive work environment in case they do not have any sophisticated (or paid) tools & infrastructure. Before we discuss some of the best practices on working from home or remote working it is important to understand some of the common challenges associated with the same. Some of the main issues often cited by employees include distractions at home, collaboration & communication issues, staying motivated & time zone related issues & Wi-Fi (internet) connectivity related challenges. Therefore, these factors need to be taken into account & understood when implementing a work from home procedure throughout the Company.
Exemplified below are some of the aspects that you need to keep in mind (& inform employees too) for a work from home scenario to be both productive & effective. These need to be considered as tips & not a mantra.
Now let's explore what are some of the free tools that Companies can use to ensure that the work from home process is both productive & effective. Kindly note that only the free tools & platforms are exemplified in this article in order to ensure it benefits a broader spectrum of SME's in the country who may not be able to afford expensive tools or technology infrastructure.
It should be noted that a number of Technology Companies have stepped up to support people around the world by offering their products & services free of charge for a limited time as a result of Covid-19. These offers will definitely help companies (especially SME's) set up work from home processors relatively easily & most importantly free. However, it is important to keep in mind that most of these offers are available for a limited time (few months) & at some point, Companies will be expected to pay for these products & services should they decide to continue using them. So it’s best that Companies use these resources now when it is available for free, since no one can predict for sure how long this lockdown period would continue.
This article has exemplified what are some of the key aspects that need to be addressed in order to ensure that working from home is both productive & meets the requirements or objectives of a Company. Also highlighted are some of the free tools available for Companies to use from a communication, collaboration & productivity perspective. So whilst social distancing & self-isolation is an absolute necessity to help prevent the spread of Covid-19, it is important that Companies & SME's in particular are aware of how they can ensure business continuity & the various tools available to use. There is no excuse for Companies unfortunately in the modern day for ignorance or lack of awareness. Similarly it is also a cardinal sin to be aware of the various tools available & not using them when it is needed the most.
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