Cyber Crime – a looming threat in public sector

July, 26, 2016

The Ministry of Telecommunication and Digital Infrastructure recently held an informative breakfast meeting to educate senior public sector officials on the importance of ‘Cybersecurity and Trust in Technology’. Speaking at the event, Mr. Wasantha Deshapriya, Secretary to the Ministry of Telecommunication and Digital Infrastructure, discussed the threats and consequences of cyber-attacks on government systems and outlined what steps government organizations need to take to minimize and manage these threats.

Microsoft Sri Lanka did a presentation on cyber crime in the global and regional context, highlighting the importance of cyber security and resilience through trusted technology, culminating in a demonstration of a hack, showing the ease with which any technological device could be compromised. Mr. Lal Dias, CEO of Sri Lanka CERT emphasized the importance for government organizations to work proactively to secure the nation’s data.

Picture Caption - Mr. Wasantha Deshapriya- Secretary, Ministry of Telecommunication and Digital Infrastructure addressing the gathering.