June, 26, 2020
Hotel Developers (Lanka) PLC announced that it will delist the Company’s shares from the official list of the Colombo Stock Exchange in compliance with applicable regulations and procedures.
Hotel Developers (Lanka) PLC (HDL) is a Government Owned, public listed Company owning Hilton Colombo.
In a Stock Exchange filing, the company stated the following:
In terms of rule 5 (1) of the rules made by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka under section 53 of the SEC Act No 36 of 1987 ( as amended) as published in Gazette Extraordinary No 1215/2 18 December 2001 that:
The following resolutions were passed by the Board 0f Directors of the Hotel Developers (Lanka) PLC on 18 June 2020.
It is hereby resolved to proceed to de-list the securities of the company from the official list of the Colombo Stock Exchange in terms of rule 5 (1) of the rules made by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka under section 53 of the SEC ACT no 36 of 1987 ( as amended) as published in Gazette Extraordinary No 1215/2 18 December 2001 that, to give effect to the decision of the sole shareholder, the Secretary to the Treasury.
Pursuant to the resolution above, it is further resolved that company doth obtain from the sole shareholder, the Secretary to the Treasury, by way of resolution in writing the approval to proceed with the de-listing as per the resolution set out below:
It is hereby further resolved subject to resolution ( 2) being approved, to :
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