July, 14, 2016
The Managing Director of Google India, Mr. Rajan Anandan will attend the Sri Lanka Economic Summit 2016 as a keynote speaker of the session 5 of the event, which will focus on Sri Lanka’s talent pool.
Sri Lankan born Anandan, who also heads Google’s South Asian operations has an impressive career record with holding top executive positions at globally acclaimed entities such as Microsoft, Dell and Mckinsey.
Prior to Google, he was the Managing Director of Microsoft India and went into build the country’s largest software business. Before joining Microsoft, Rajan was a Vice President with Dell and held several global leadership roles including that of the Executive Assistant to Chairman Mr. Michael Dell.
Rajan Anandan, a Stanford and MIT Graduate is focused on expanding the Internet ecosystem in the region, increasing adoption among consumers and businesses and accelerating innovation.
He will join in with an impressive line up of Sri Lankan and overseas speakers and panelists who will take part in as resource persons at the Sri Lanka Economic Summit 2016.
Hayleys PLC and Pyramid Wilmar are platinum sponsors of the Sri Lanka Economic Summit, while Sunshine Holdings and CIC has come forward as the Gold Sponsors of the event. Dialog have sign in as the Silver sponsor and First Capital is the strategic sponsor of the summit. If you wish to reserve a seat for 2nd and 03rd August event which will be held at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel, please call on 0115588852 or email to events@chamber.lk.
Rajan Anandan - Vice President & Managing Director of Google, South East Asia & India
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