Mona Plastics becomes Sri Lanka’s Greenest Decorative Product Manufacturer

May, 12, 2021

For the last four decades, Mona Plastics (Pvt) Ltd has built a reputation for producing high quality decorative ornaments to meet the diverse preferences of their customer, Hallmark (USA). Cutting edge manufacturing and continuous upgrading of technology with competitive pricing and outstanding serviceability has enabled them to be one of the leading brands in the decorative ornament industry in Sri Lanka. Mona Plastics worked with The Carbon Consulting Company (CCC), Sri Lanka’s foremost provider of Integrated Sustainability Solutions to assess the greenhouse gas emissions of its organisational operations. This comprehensive study included both direct and indirect emissions sources of Mona Plastics, and several options for reducing the operational emissions of the company were also presented by the CCC Team.

As an environmentally responsible business, Mona Plastics, through a JV initiative, had invested in a few Renewable Energy Projects in Sri Lanka. The CCC Team also quantified the proportionate emissions savings of these Solar and Hydropower Projects with regards to the company’s shareholding percentages, which were independently validated by The Sustainable Future Group (SFG). These savings were then verified against the ISO 14064-2 Standard by SFG - South Asia’s first VVB to be accredited to award both ISO 14064-1 & 2 certifications, using which Mona Plastics was able to completely negate its organisational Carbon Footprint and become certified as a Carbon-Inset® Company.

“We applaud Mona Plastics for its leadership in driving sustainability in its sector and we are honoured to have been able to assist them towards achieving their goal”, said CCC CEO, Sanith de S. Wijeyeratne. “It is always exciting to see green champions like Mona Plastics realise such momentous steps forward in managing their sustainability, and should serve as an example for others to follow.”

“We firmly believe that our environmental impact should not be sacrificed for manufacturing gains. We have always strived to be a company that actively engages in sustainable practices and are very pleased to have achieved carbon neutrality”, said Mona Plastics Managing Director, Harin Udeshi. “I want to personally thank our lead team of engineers for their tireless work on these concurrent initiatives and the CCC for their guidance and support on this journey.”

Through this initiative, Mona Plastics joins a wave of green companies around the world leading the way in aligning their corporate strategies with better sustainability management. The shift to independent and transparent reporting and further improvements to the operations of Mona Plastics reflect a responsible approach towards ensuring long-term sustainability for the company and its stakeholders. The strong foundation built also enables Mona Plastics to adapt to the anticipated risks associated with Climate Change.


Photo Caption - Mona Plastics Receiving the Certificates from SFG [from left] Ruwanthi Halwala, Asst. Manager - Client Relations, CCC; Shamila Suhaib, Director - Customer Engagement & Global Partnership Development, SFG; Gamini Wijewardane, Director, Mona Plastics; Danusha Rupasinghe, Snr. Engineer, Mona Plastics; Sajeewa Ranasinghe, Asst. Manager - Sustainability Assurance & Advisory Services, SFG