RoD signing between Sri Lanka’s Finance Ministry and Thailand’s NEDA for capacity building programme

July, 25, 2024

Signing of Record of Discussion (RoD) between the Neighbouring Countries Economic Development Cooperation Agency (NEDA) of the Kingdom of Thailand, and Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Polices for the Capacity Building Programme for the Officials Attached to Public Debt Management Office (PDMO) of Sri Lanka.

In response to an invitation made by the Department of External Resources, Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies, a delegation from Neighbouring Countries Economic Development Cooperation Agency (NEDA) headed by Mr. Perames Vudthitornetiraks, President of NEDA & comprising Mr. Rappipat Promnart, Director of Policy and Planning Bureau, Mr. Wasit Anuntavichien, Policy Planning Analyst visited Sri Lanka and met Mr. K. M. Mahinda Siriwardana, Secretary to the Treasury and signed a Record of Discussion (RoD) today, in the presence of H.E. Mr. Paitoon Mahapannaporn, Ambassador to Thailand in Sri Lanka, to provide technical assistance from NEDA to enhance the capacities of the officers to be attached to the Public Debt Management Office ( PDMO), which is going to be established at the end of this year. The training of 20 - 25 officials, will take place in October 2024 in Thailand, and the cost will be borne by the NEDA.

During the meeting, which took place subsequent to the signing ceremony, the Secretary to the Treasury recalled the recent economic crisis faced by the Country and indicated the fiscal and monetary policy initiatives took by the Government which led the country to recover to a greater extent during a short period of time and the envisaged programme of the Government to ensure that, Sri Lanka does not face a similar crisis in the future.

Further, he commented on the longstanding cultural ties between Thailand Sri Lanka, which has a long and cordial history, grounded in shared cultural and religious ties, particularly through Theravada Buddhism and the potential for future development cooperation between the two countries.

Further, Mr. Ajith Abeysekera, Director General of Department of External Resources, also extended his sincere gratitude for NEDA for coming forward and accepting GoSL’s request to accommodate this training programme to equip and strengthen the capacities of officials who will be attached to the PDMO.

Mr. Perames Vudthitornetiraks, President of NEDA commended the significant progress made so far by the Government of Sri Lanka and insisted that NEDA stands ready to share the experience of their Public Debt Management Office.