Seylan Bank encourages ‘Responsible Banking’ during this time of great caution

June, 21, 2021

Seylan Bank – the Bank with a Heart continues to fully support customers across the island with an array of convenient banking services during these unprecedented times of limited mobility and social distancing. The bank’s multi-channel customer support hotlines, internet, and mobile banking platforms are fully geared to meet the homebound customer’s unique needs.

Understanding the increased customer desire to switch to digital platforms during these times of a global health pandemic and increasing economic uncertainty; Seylan Bank’s online banking facility via the revamped site includes a host of services, such as online fund transfers and online utility bill payments. The Bank pledges to continue to fast-track its digital innovation efforts with uninterrupted banking and financial services to support the national efforts currently in place.

As customer satisfaction and convenience remain the focus for Seylan during these crucial times, selected branches island-wide will be in operation according to strict guidelines issued by the health authorities and according to the guidelines issued by CBSL under essential services. To ensure the safety of all its customers and staff, Seylan Bank encourages all customers to utilize their digital banking service platforms to minimize any unnecessary exposure during these cautious times.

Seylan Bank’s island-wide network of 216 ATMs, 70 Cash Deposit Machines, 86 Cheque Deposit Machines are active 24/7 for customers with any urgent financial service requirement. All ATMs and CDMs are equipped with hand sanitizers and all customers are encouraged to use these services while adhering to the rules and regulations set in place to ensure maximum safety of all customers & staff.

As a Bank with a Heart committed to offering customers a convenient banking experience Seylan Bank will continue to upgrade and implement improved services, honouring customer needs to the utmost while ensuring customer satisfaction & safety during these times of uncertainly. For more information on these extended services and any other product or service, visit

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