November, 21, 2019
Sri Lanka Chamber of the Pharmaceutical Industry (SLCPI) in a congratulatory note to newly elected President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, said it was looking forwards to working closely with the new administration in achieving the healthcare goals of Sri Lanka.
“We confirm our readiness to work together with your newly formed Government in charting the course in a joint endeavour of addressing the healthcare concerns of this nation, where every citizen has access to quality healthcare”, the statement quoted.
The Pharmaceutical Industry has been contributing to the healthcare needs of Sri Lanka for the past 45 years and since its inception. Approximately 90% of Sri Lanka’s pharmaceutical requirement is provided by the membership, which indirectly and directly employs over 250,000 people.
“We are committed to working with Government and other stakeholders towards realizing our collective vision of putting patients at the centre of all what we do. To this end our focus will be on ethical marketing practices and access to the best in healthcare, within a strong but balanced regulatory regime.”
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