Sampath Bank introduces cycling club, encouraging employees to ride to work

July, 21, 2022

Sampath Bank just introduced ‘Cycle to Work,’ a program promoting an eco-friendly, healthy and economical mode of transportation for all employees. The Cycle to Work initiative was launched with a ceremonial event at Diyatha Uyana on Thursday, June 16. The enthusiastic participation of nearly 100 cyclists signaled an auspicious beginning to this program.

Sampath Bank employees--not just in Colombo, but at all 229 branches islandwide--are being encouraged and incentivized to adopt this alternative mode of transportation and ride to work. Riders who join will receive a complimentary cycling kit and will be provided with special training for safer riding on city streets. Safe parking spaces in security-patrolled areas are being provided, as are facilities for showering and changing. Bank employees who would like to invest in a bicycle can purchase one through a six-month 0% installment plan for those holding a Sampath Mastercard, Visa or American Express credit card. As an added incentive, the Bank has authorized flexible working hours for all cyclists to avoid riding during peak traffic times.

“This is another example of a simple intervention that has the potential to pay huge environmental dividends, and is part of the Bank’s ongoing commitment to reduce its carbon footprint. It’s the first of many such initiatives the Bank has planned,” said Nanda Fernando - Managing Director, Sampath Bank PLC. “The more people who ride bicycles to work, the fewer cars, trucks, buses and three-wheelers there will be to clog traffic. And fewer vehicles mean safer roads for all. We all need to rethink our approach to our daily commute. The Sampath Bank Cycle to Work program grew out of that realization.”

“Our employees might even find themselves getting to work sooner. It’s easier to get from one place to another on a bicycle, and it’s arguably a far better use of your time than sitting helplessly in traffic jams,” pointed out Lalith Weragoda - Group Chief Human Resource Officer, Sampath Bank PLC. “And besides all the social and economic benefits of cycling to work, let’s not forget the enormous health advantages. Cycling is the ultimate aerobic exercise, causing less strain than most other forms of working out. By using all of your major muscle groups as you pedal, cycling increases your strength and stamina, and greatly improves your cardiovascular fitness. In addition to all that, you will arrive at work feeling invigorated after a pleasant workout. Because cycling is a fun way to stay in shape. The bottom line is that whatever else happens, thanks to our cycling club, Sampath Bank is going to have a fitter, healthier workforce going forward.”

Despite the obstacles currently faced by the banking sector in Sri Lanka, Sampath Bank has successfully maintained all its capital ratios well above regulatory requirements throughout Q1 2022. All the while, Sampath Bank has implemented all government-led moratorium schemes for eligible customer segments affected by the pandemic. The Bank’s digitalization strategy has also continued to prove its worth during these trying times by securing a more accessible and safer banking experience for customers.

Sampath Bank is a 100% local bank that has deeply rooted itself in the lives of the people of Sri Lanka. Established in 1987, the bank has become a state-of-the-art financial institution that continues to be a market leader today thanks to its constant innovation and customer focused approach to business. It has introduced many firsts to the Sri Lankan banking sector including introducing ATMs to Sri Lanka, extended banking hours, slip-less banking and adaptation of block-chain technology to name a few. As part of its visionary 2022 approach, the bank is steadily transforming itself into a ‘tech company engaged in banking,’ from the traditional approach of a bank adopting technology.

Image Caption: The Colombo team comprising of Tharaka Ranwala - Senior Deputy General Manager/Group Marketing, Deposit Mobilization and Digitalization, Sampath Bank PLC and Lalith Weragoda - Group Chief Human Resource Officer, Sampath Bank PLC setting off on the inaugural ‘Cycle to Work’ initiative.

Sampath Bank signs MOU with AIMGSL, the body representing internationally-qualified professional marketers

July, 11, 2022

Sampath Bank signed a mutually beneficial memorandum of understanding (MOU) agreeing to act as a corporate sponsor for the Association of International Marketing Graduates in Sri Lanka (AIMGSL). The organization for professional marketers with globally-recognized marketing credentials, AIMGSL offers mentoring, counseling, hands-on training, workshops and networking opportunities to its members. Under the terms of this corporate sponsorship agreement--valid for a year, and renewable--Sampath Bank PLC will be entitled to a host of benefits at future functions including events and programmes scheduled for the next twelve months in the AIMGSL’s event calendar. In addition to this, the Bank will collaborate and propose ideas towards some of the industry specific initiatives and events organised by AIMG. Ensuring that a level of expertise, insight, and resources are emphasized for the benefit of industries and marketing professionals.

The organization has a tentatively scheduled 12-month event calendar that include a host of events, varying from CEO forums, retail events, networking events, panel discussions, viewpoints, seminars along with their annual conference.

“This agreement will benefit our entire membership,” enthused Sujith Silva, Chairman of the Association of International Marketing Graduates in Sri Lanka, who signed the agreement on behalf of the AIMGSL. “A keen awareness of financial matters is of paramount importance to marketing professionals, so associating with bankers and having senior bank officers on hand to provide clarifications and answers to questions at forums, will be enormously helpful moving forward, especially given the slippery slope the economy is currently on. We are determined to acknowledge and support the Banking and Financial industry in Sri Lanka, with the guidance of these professional marketers. In line of this, our goal is to inaugurate specific programmes and initiatives, which would be much informative. Continuing this long-lasting relationship between the Bank and the Sri Lankan Marketing fraternity, has been nothing but memorable to us all. Our members stand to learn a great deal from their banking counterparts, primarily from a well-established Bank such as Sampath Bank. In return, I hope to provide insights and knowledge which would be beneficial for them.”

“This is a landmark agreement for both parties,” agreed Senior DGM /Group Marketing, Deposit Mobilization and Digitalization, Tharaka Ranwala, who signed the agreement on behalf of Sampath Bank PLC. “AIMGSL’s marketing professionals are qualified and poised to launch consumer and business-to-business campaigns that can jump-start the economy and get the country moving again. We’re excited to participate in the association’s annual events--we know how to help. Because strong banking partnerships, keeping an eye on bottom line issues at all times, and sound financial planning are the bedrock of successful marketing campaigns.”

Despite the contemporary obstacles faced by the banking sector in Sri Lanka, Sampath Bank has successfully maintained all its capital ratios well above regulatory requirements throughout Q1 2022. All the while, Sampath Bank has implemented all government-led moratorium schemes for eligible customer segments affected by the pandemic. The Bank’s digitalization strategy has also continued to prove its worth during these trying times by securing a more accessible and safer banking experience for customers.

Sampath Bank is a 100% local bank that has deeply rooted itself in the lives of the people of Sri Lanka. Established in 1987, the bank has become a state-of-the-art financial institution that continues to be a market leader today thanks to its constant innovation and customer focused approach to business. It has introduced many firsts to the Sri Lankan banking sector including introducing ATMs to Sri Lanka, extended banking hours, slip-less banking and adaptation of block-chain technology to name a few. As part of its visionary 2022 approach, the bank is steadily transforming itself into a ‘tech company engaged in banking,’ from the traditional approach of a bank adopting technology.


Image Caption : Tharaka Ranwala - Senior Deputy General Manager/Group Marketing, Deposit Mobilization and Digitalization, Sampath Bank PLC with Sujith Silva - Chairman, AIMG following the signing of the MoU, also in the picture (l-r) Lasitha Suraweera - Manager Marketing, Sampath Bank PLC, Pujitha Rajapaksa - Chief Manager Marketing, Sampath Bank PLC, Roshan Kaluarachchi - Treasurer, AIMG and Sanjay Hettiarachchi - Head of Operations, AIMG


Sampath Bank Scores 9th Consecutive Win at World Finance Banking Awards

July, 4, 2022

~ Retains Status as Sri Lanka’s ‘Best Retail Bank’ and ‘Best Commercial Bank’ ~

Sampath Bank PLC has been rated as Sri Lanka’s ‘Best Retail Bank’ and ‘Best Commercial Bank’ for the 9th consecutive year at the renowned World Finance Banking Awards ceremony hosted by the UK-based World Finance magazine.

Displaying the Sri Lankan flag prominently at this prestigious global forum where the Bank has been receiving both these tributes every year since 2014, Sampath Bank is the only bank from the country to be lauded at this venue this year, too.

The World Finance Banking Award is one of the most coveted accolades in the banking and financial services sector, globally. World Finance magazine--widely read and respected in the industry--has celebrated outstanding achievements, innovation and leadership since 2007, through these annual awards that rate banks’ excellence in numerous relevant criteria.

“It is a great distinction to be rated amongst the best banking and financial service providers in the world, and to maintain our position as the ‘Best Retail Bank’ and ‘Best Commercial Bank’ in Sri Lanka for the 9th straight year at the World Finance Banking Awards,” said Nanda Fernando, Managing Director, Sampath Bank PLC. “This is an unparalleled achievement made possible by the trust, support and endorsement of our customers, investors and business partners and by the entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to excellence of our team members. Awards such as this motivate us to recommit ourselves to deliver even greater value to our customers and stakeholders, as we continue to present their future.”

This recent recognition, one of innumerable awards and accolades bestowed on Sampath Bank, comes at a troubled time when Sri Lanka and the rest of the world is coping with a series of health, political and economic crises. The Bank has continued its steady rise on corporate leaderboards, earning several distinctions for both its strength and financial probity as well as the trust and respect it has earned from its customers and the industry at large.

Most recently, Sampath Bank was ranked as the country’s Most Loved Bank in the 2022 edition of the Brands Annual ‘Most Loved Brands’ listings, compiled by Brand Finance and presented by LMD. The Bank was also placed 11th in the overall ‘Most Loved Brands’ rankings. It stands out amongst FMCG giants as the only banking brand to be featured in the Top 15. The Bank was also ranked among the Top 10 ‘Most Valuable Consumer Brands’ for 2022.

Despite the contemporary obstacles faced by the banking sector in Sri Lanka, Sampath Bank has successfully maintained all its capital ratios well above regulatory requirements throughout 2021. With a total asset value of Rs. 1.2 trillion, this reflects strongly as an indication of the Bank’s stability. Meanwhile, its deposit book stood at Rs 978 Bn at the end of 2021, and continues to enjoy a year on year growth rate of 10.3%. All the while, Sampath Bank has implemented all government-led moratorium schemes for eligible customer segments affected by the pandemic. The Bank’s digitalisation strategy has also continued to prove its worth during these trying times by securing a more accessible and safer banking experience for customers.

Sampath Bank is a 100% locally-owned bank that has deeply rooted itself in the hearts of the people of Sri Lanka. Established in 1987, the bank has become a state-of-the-art financial institution with numerous innovations to its credit. It continues to be a market leader today thanks to its customer-focused approach to banking. Sampath Bank has introduced many firsts to the Sri Lankan banking sector. These include the introduction of automated teller machines (ATMs) to Sr Lanka, extended banking hours for the convenience of customers, slip-less banking and touchless ATM withdrawals. The bank continues to steadily transform itself into a technology-driven financial services provider whilst keeping true to its traditions, values and ideals.


Image Caption: The 2 awards won by Sampath Bank for the 9th consecutive year at the esteemed World Finance Banking Awards