The IASL HR Conference 2024: Reimagining Resilience for a Transformative Future

July, 5, 2024

The IASL HR Conference 2024, themed "Resilience Reimagined - Thriving Through Change," is poised to be a transformative event for HR professionals in the insurance sector. This annual conference aims to equip practitioners with the knowledge and expertise to lead their operations successfully while fostering camaraderie and collaboration within the community. Attracting over 100 participants from various insurance companies each year, it has solidified its position as a must-attend event for the industry.

The conference's theme emphasizes the importance of adaptability and flexibility in navigating turbulent times. By reimagining resilience as an everyday tool, individuals and organisations can build a foundation of strength that serves them well in both calm and crisis. The conference will delve into strategies to foster resilience, create momentum for action, and deepen connections within the HR community.

As the country recovers from recent crises, the need for resilience and the ability to thrive through change has never been more critical. The IASL HR Conference 2024 will address these needs head-on, offering participants the tools and insights required to support their people and businesses in this transformative journey. The event will feature keynote addresses from renowned speakers, learning sessions on resilience and change, and a spotlight panel discussion with industry leaders. Additionally, the conference will include engagement activities and a networking session, providing ample opportunities for attendees to connect and learn from one another.

Rohitha Amarapala, the Chairman of the IASL HR Subcommittee and past President of CIPM, emphasised the importance of the conference: "The IASL HR Conference 2024 is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the insurance sector's HR professionals. By coming together and sharing our experiences, we can learn from one another and emerge stronger in the face of change."

Imtiyaz Annif, the Conference Chairman and current Chief People Officer of Union Assurance Plc, echoed these sentiments: "This conference is not just about surviving change, but about thriving in it. By reimagining resilience and embracing the challenges ahead, we can position ourselves and our organisations for success in the years to come."

The IASL HR Conference 2024 promises to be an enriching experience, offering valuable insights and fostering a community of resilient, forward-thinking HR professionals ready to thrive through change. Join us on July 10th at the Courtyard by Marriott as we explore the new dimensions of resilience and equip ourselves to navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead.