UN stood with China while NATO did not – By Prof. Samitha Hettige

July, 15, 2024

In July 1921 the Communist Party of China (CPC) took the 1st centenary goal to eradicate poverty in China by 2021. It reached the goal in 2020 & on the eve of its 103rd anniversary members celebrated with a symphony concert at the CPC Museum in Beijing. CPC statistics indicate that the Museum opened in 2021 has so far received more than 3.5 million visitors (including 550,000 youth). In Sri Lanka while the public are struggling to meet the ends, the Election Commission reaffirmed the validity of the election law. Accordingly it may discourage those who gobbledygook to win voters. Sri Lankans may study why Chinese youth are attracted to CPC & why CPC membership increased by more than one million during 2023. They should know that it’s tough to mislead youth by counting full moons as they are equipped with technology especially AI (Artificial Intelligence).

UN stands with China

NATO which has 32 member states recently criticized China for not supporting the Ukraine conflict but working with Russia (Ref NATO stats). China is celebrating the 70th anniversary of the announcing the five principals of ‘Peaceful Coexistence’ stated below;

  1. Mutual respect for sovereignty & territorial integrity.
  2. Mutual non-aggression.
  3. Non-interference in each other's internal affairs.
  4. Equality & mutual benefit.
  5. Peaceful coexistence.

Moving on above path, on July 1st while CPC was celebrating its 103rd, the UN General Assembly at its 78th session, unanimously adopted its first resolution on international cooperation in AI capacity building. The resolution proposed by China (co-sponsored by 140+ countries) is on ‘Enhancing International Cooperation on Capacity-building of Artificial Intelligence’. It emphasize on the need for AI to adhere to "Principles of being Human-Centered" to promote intelligence to benefit humanity. Before this, at the 53rd session of the UN Human Rights Council, China proposed on promoting the rights of people with disabilities in relation to AI, & at the 55th session proposed on enhancing ‘Child Rights’ in relation to AI.

What’s in it for Developing Countries?

With the intension of accelerating the implementation of the 2030 agenda for ‘Sustainable Development’, the UN encourages international cooperation & actions especially for developing countries to; strengthen AI capacity building, enhance representation, have a voice in global AI governance, & advocate for an open, fair & non-discriminatory business environment. China’s recent pledge to support to digitize SL Customs during the visit of Wang Lingjun, Vice Minister of the General Administration of Customs is one example where China helps SL to restructure its economy to come out of the economic crisis.

Women’s Rights with AI

On July 1st at the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Switzerland, China & many of above states advocated for strengthening international cooperation to use AI to promote Women's Rights. It coincides with the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration & Platform for Action (adopted by the 4th World Conference on Women in Beijing - 1995) which will be celebrated in 2025. China & other states that support the cause were of the view that AI is an opportunity to promote gender equality & ensure women’s participation for human development.

2024 being an election year, Sri Lankans often see, hear faces & voices leaving party offices. Though they see attempts to enter party offices by force, they rarely see youth or public walking into party offices as in the case of CPC. A comparative analysis may change ground reality. As the Chinese believe, the moon is not in the water. Sri Lankans should work to reach it. It won’t be hard with tools such as AI. If not they may spend the century counting full moons.

(Views expressed are personal)