Unilever Sri Lanka launches ‘SPARKS’ Student Ambassador Programme

October, 14, 2014

Commits to empowering Sri Lanka’s future leaders 

Recognized as the No. 1 employer in the nation, Unilever Sri Lanka is reaffirming its commitment to empowering the country’s future business leaders, by launching ‘Sparks’, a student ambassador programme, designed for university students.

The ‘Sparks’ programme is an ambassadorship that will serve as an opportunity for students to act as a liaison between Unilever Sri Lanka and their respective university. The programme is designed to allow students to exhibit their strength as leaders in their institution, by being ambassadors of Unilever. The ‘Sparks’ programme looks to enhance the pioneering spirit and skills of talented Sri Lankan youth, inspiring them to be forces of positive influence amongst their peers.

“At Unilever Sri Lanka, we consider it as our responsibility to strengthen the employability of the nation’s future leaders. The ‘Sparks’ Programme will recognize the top young talent from around the country who have the passion to Want More, Do More and Contribute More, to become great leaders who act as agents of positive change in their respective fields,” said Udayan Dutt, Director – HR and Corporate Relations at Unilever Sri Lanka, commentingon this initiative.

The ‘Sparks’ programme will provide selected students an opportunity to experience a flavor of ambassadorship through their experience of working at Unilever. This exposure will help the students to develop themselves in key skill areas such as negotiation, stakeholder management, and team working, while strengthening their professional networks.

Most importantly, Unilever will partner the students on their leadership journey, providing them with direction and guidance, and inspiring them to take small actions that will collectively create a step change for themselves, their communities, and society at large. The exposure gained through the student ambassadorship will also allow them to fast track themselves into a career with Unilever once they have completed the programme.

Students from all universities in Sri Lanka are invited to apply for the ‘Sparks’ student ambassador programme.

Applications for the programme will be open on the 15th of October 2014. For further details, interested students can log on to www.facebook.com/UnileverCareersSriLanka