vivo Sri Lanka Offers Essential Nutrition to Maharagama Cancer Hospital Via Dry Food Ration Contribution

March, 17, 2023

vivo Sri Lanka, a leading consumer technology brand, has recently demonstrated its commitment to corporate social responsibility through its #vivocares initiative. As part of this program, the company has donated dry food rations to the Maharagama ‘Apeksha’ Cancer Hospital.

The ration donation was organized by vivo Sri Lanka’s officials, who handed over the package to the Administrative Officer of Apeksha Cancer Hospital. The Director, the Administrative Officer & the hospital management expressed their sincere gratitude to vivo for their generous contribution.

"We thank vivo Sri Lanka for donating dry food rations to our hospital, which will provide essential nutrition to our patients. These food items will go a long way in providing essential nutrition to our patients who are currently undergoing treatment at the facility.  We appreciate vivo's commitment to supporting the local community and hope it inspires others to contribute to society”, explained, Administrative Officer of Apeksha Hospital.

The donated dry food rations were specifically used to prepare breakfast for 800 patients, who are already facing a challenging time in their lives. By contributing these food items, the organization aims to offer some degree of solace and assistance to those in need of adequate nutrition during their hospital stay. As a socially responsible entity, vivo is dedicated to enhancing society and enhancing the lives of those in the communities it serves. This recent action is a continuation of the brand's ongoing efforts to give back to society and support causes that are significant to it.

In regard to the donation, the Chief Executive Officer of vivo Sri Lanka, Kevin Jiang added: “We at vivo Sri Lanka are committed to corporate social responsibility and creating a positive impact on the lives of the Sri Lankan community. Donating dry food rations to the Maharagama Cancer Hospital was an immense privilege. We firmly believe in contributing to the betterment of society and will continue to support causes that make a difference. We remain committed to building a brighter, healthier future for all.”.

Through its #vivocares initiative, vivo Sri Lanka hopes to inspire others to join in its mission of spreading kindness, compassion, and goodwill. The brand firmly believes that small acts of kindness, such as these, can go a long way in making a positive impact on people's lives, particularly those in vulnerable communities.