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Ericsson Mobility Report: More than half a billion 5G subscriptions by the end of 2021

5G remains on track to become the fastest adopted mobile generation in history with subscriptions increasing at a rate of about a million per day 5G subscriptions with a 5G-capable device grew by 70 million during the first quarter of 2021 and are forecast to reach 580 million by the end of 2021 South East…

(0)Comments | June 21, 2021 7:50 pm

Seylan Bank encourages ‘Responsible Banking’ during this time of great caution

Seylan Bank – the Bank with a Heart continues to fully support customers across the island with an array of convenient banking services during these unprecedented times of limited mobility and social distancing. The bank’s multi-channel customer support hotlines, internet, and mobile banking platforms are fully geared to meet the homebound customer’s unique needs. Understanding…

(0)Comments | June 21, 2021 7:33 pm

Baby Cheramy embraced as the Most Loved Baby Care Brand at Brands Annual 2021

Baby Cheramy, Sri Lanka’s No.1 baby care brand of Hemas Consumer was recognized by LMD’s Brands Annual 2021 edition, further reinforcing the trust and allegiance of its loyal customers.  Baby Cheramy was named the Most Loved Brand in the Baby Care sector in Brands Annual 2021 rankings released by the leading brand valuation and strategy…

(0)Comments | June 21, 2021 6:05 pm

‘Money Matters’ – Lions Club of Colombo (Host) to conduct a webinar series on Financial Inclusion and Literacy Capacity Development

With the intention of providing a glimpse on becoming successful entrepreneurs and self-sufficient individuals, the Lions Club of Colombo (Host) District 306A1 will be conducting  a series of webinarson the topic ‘FinancialLiteracy and Capacity Development’ starting from July 2021. Themed “Money Matters”, the webinar series is the first phase of the financial literacy and capacity…

(0)Comments | June 21, 2021 8:48 am

CSE Continues Regional Awareness Drive to Entrepreneurs in Negombo

The Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) successfully concluded yet another virtual forum organized as part of an awareness drive for island-wide Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). The second event of the series which was held for SMEs in Negombo, drew a strong interest among the entrepreneurial community based in the region. The series of virtual forums…

(0)Comments | June 18, 2021 12:56 pm

SampathCards Launches New Sampath Visa Corporate Credit Card

Sampath Bank recently announced the launch of its new Sampath Corporate Visa Credit Card in partnership with Visa, the leader in digital payments, to facilitate better financial management for corporates. The card, which is accepted worldwide, enables companies to seamlessly track and monitor expenses through the provision of real time data. Enabling businesses to gain…

(0)Comments | June 18, 2021 12:48 pm

State Minister Hon. Ajith Niward Cabral relaunches People’s Leasing website

Sri Lanka’s pioneering state-owned Financial Institution, People’s Leasing & Finance PLC (PLC), celebrated its 25th anniversary on 31st May, 2021. Ensuring ease of transactions to customers, People’s Leasing has re-launched their trilingual corporate website virtually with the presence of Hon. State Minister of Money & Capital Market and State Enterprise Ajith Nivard Cabral at the…

(0)Comments | June 17, 2021 6:08 pm

Awareness webinar on exporting merchandise to Australia 

The Consulate General of Sri Lanka to Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania together with the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) and the Sri Lanka and Australia Chamber of Commerce (SLACC) organised a webinar titled – Exporting to Australia – What you need to know – on the 20th May, 2021. Kalum De Silva, President…

(0)Comments | June 17, 2021 1:08 pm

CBL Samaposha joins hands with Sri Lanka Squash Federation

CBL Samaposha, the Nutrition provider for the nation, joined hands with the Sri Lanka Squash Federation to become the official nutrition partner for its National and Development pool players. With the rigorous training and practicing undertaken by the players in this high intensity sport, it is imperative that a significant portion of their food intake…

(0)Comments | June 17, 2021 1:04 pm

WSO2 Introduces Choreo Next-Generation Integration Platform as a Service and Acquires Platformer to Extend its Kubernetes Capabilities

Choreo iPaaS capabilities and Platformer Console enable rapid delivery of cloud native applications, APIs, and digital services on widely used Kubernetes platform Enterprises worldwide are accelerating their digital transformation initiatives, with many starting years earlier than originally planned. But, too often, these initiatives are hampered by the lack of deep technical expertise required to get…

(0)Comments | June 17, 2021 12:49 pm

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