CIOEL- Enhancing Language and Leadership Skills

October, 15, 2022

With globalization and the growth of sustainability, language and leadership play a vital role. The continuous learning process is a must with a rapidly changing technological world. The Ceylon Institute Of English & Leadership (CIOEL) an online training institution understands it.

We notice that when employees have the right mindset and skills, it helps them and their organisation to grow and meet high standards. Also, it comes down to how they communicate with their stakeholders, whether it’s verbally or via writing. To do business globally, Business English and Leadership skills are a must in order to strike a deal or have the business relationship continuing. In order to meet Business English challenges CIOEL conducts a course called ‘Business English & Leadership Programme’ which enhances peoples’ knowledge about professional e-mail & letter writing skills, corporate communication, and other important activities.

Let’s look at leadership in more detail; there are many definitions in leadership and quotes by people and organisations.  Some key characteristics in leadership include empathy, integrity, humility, confidence, etc. Listening & understanding peoples’/employees’ matter, as we do not know from what walk they had come from nor the brilliant ideas they have. As leaders one important trait is, always keep learning new things, as we aren’t perfect. Apart from that CIOEL conducts another course called ‘Leadership & Sustainability Programme’ where people are taught about the importance of leadership, teamwork, sustainability, climate change, etc.

One of the most interesting things which CIOEL does is that they host podcasts on their YouTube channel with international leaders from all over the world with interesting subjects like medical, leadership and sustainability.

Terry Paule is one of those leaders who is the Co-Founder & CEO of Botanical Water Technologies, a great company where they bring sustainable water from vegetables and fruit. Apart from that, he addresses the importance of sustainability & leadership too.

Another personality is Gary A. DePaul, PhD, a leadership author and professor who counts over two decades of experience in leadership. He addresses the importance of leadership in life.

Watson Michael, the CEO of CIOEL states “In this digital age where many businesses have advanced digital platforms, it’s important to have proper language and leadership skills. At CIOEL we train our students with the proper skills and lessons that helps them to work professionally in the corporate world.” To learn more about the programmes offered at CIOEL please visit their website