ICTA seeks to enhance cooperation with Bangladesh ICT Sector

January, 10, 2023

The High Commission of Sri Lanka in Dhaka organized a virtual meeting with the participation of the Information Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) in Sri Lanka and the Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) on 05 January to explore the opportunities of enhancing cooperation in the ICT sector and digital economy of both countries.

Making a comprehensive presentation, Associate Chief Digital Economy Officer of ICTA Sachindra Samararatne and Director Industry Development of ICTA Chiranthi Balapatabendi explained Sri Lanka’s ICT industry, its strengths and potential areas that can be collaborated. They also elaborated Sri Lanka’s 5-year strategy to develop the country’s Digital Economy.

Leading the discussion, Vice President of BASIS Fahim Ahmed and the officials of ICTA discussed potential areas of cooperation, which include connecting ICTA with BASIS members, exchanging ICT sector delegations, increasing links with universities to promote ICT education, sharing expertise in skills development and capacity building.

First Secretary (Commercial) Srimali Jayarathna of the High Commission of Sri Lanka participated in the discussion.