“Men of genius are meteors, intended to burn to light their century.” – Napoleon

November, 3, 2020

The Beijing Swift - By Prof. Samitha Hettige ©

The AL examination and the year 5 scholarship examination commenced while the quarantine curfew was on in some parts of the country. Students and parents obeyed the quarantine regulations and faced the examinations which are already few months behind schedule. One might say that since independence Sri Lankan students after ALs are generally not worried about the time/ age factor and work closely with those who make a living by taking students to the streets. So far those who do well at the year 5 scholarship exam get to study in a school with better facilities and grow up to be the youth explained above.

Last week the French government imposed a lockdown to protect the population from a COVID-19 second wave. Addressing the nation, President Macron has said that the virus is circulating at a speed that not even the most pessimistic forecasts had anticipated and had warned the public about the second wave which will be harder and more deadly than the first. It is reported that after the lockdown large numbers took to the street to denounce the lockdown and clashed with riot police chanting slogans against the lockdown. President Macron is a learned man with a vision. One might wonder why the French behave in such a manner. Sri Lankans behave in a much more responsible manner comparatively. We are fortunate we have men who can take control in a disaster.

France we see stands on civic policies developed during the French revolution in 1789.  Two little brothers in France had a similar opportunity like passing the scholarship examination about two hundred years ago and were admitted to France's elite College d'Autun. They were Joseph and Napoleon. Napoleon joined the Army and continued active service to become the Emperor in 1799AD. According to historians, it was during his rule France sold its North American Louisiana Territory to the USA which is now known as the Louisiana Purchase. Later France occupied parts of Great China closer to the French Indochina (Vietnam and Cambodia etc.). Napoleonic policies prevented privileges based on birth, allowed freedom of religion, and stated that government jobs must be given based on meritocracy (According to Chinese history, meritocracy was practiced in Great China even in 200 BC). These policies have later been adopted by many other countries in Europe and North America. A core value Napoleon established in France can be seen as public discipline. Centuries of disciplined rule based on above civic polices created the modern France. Being a Military ruler with the philosophical capacity to introduce civic policies as above, Napoleon has once said,

“China is a sleeping giant. Let her sleep, for when she wakes she will move the world.”

Just as Napoleon predicted, China awoke and is moving forward guided by men with vision. The new Chinese ambassador in Sri Lanka HE Qi Zhenhong arrived in Colombo recently. The Ambassador has passed a PCR test prior to his flight and will enter self-quarantine for 02 weeks. Considering the prevailing situation HE Qi has refused all receiving arrangements at the airport to avoid any health risks to Sri Lankan counterparts (Ref Chinese embassy). Long before we heard about COVID-19, there were reports about the British Prime Minister David Cameron arriving in Sri Lanka in 2013 for the Commonwealth summit and avoiding Sri Lankan official welcome. That may have been to avoid risk of being defeated at an election back home. We also saw recently a large team arriving in Sri Lanka with US Secretary of State.

The writer is an Academic and a Broadcaster. Views expressed are personal and may not necessarily be the views of his affiliations.